Application of non traditional welding process

Non-traditional machining processes, also known as unconventional machining or advanced machining methods, offer innovative and highly specialised ways of shaping, forming, or modifying materials. This makes it possible to work on challenging or impossible materials to machine using traditional methods. Non-traditional machining encompasses a diverse range of techniques, from electrical discharge machining (EDM) to laser cutting, abrasive waterjet machining, and ultrasonic machining, each tailored to specific applications and materials.

The current article will delve into Non Traditional machining processes. This topic in mechanical engineering is important for your upcoming examinations like SSC JE ME and RRB JE Mechanical Engineering.

Non-Traditional Machining Process

Non-traditional machining processes, such as electrical discharge machining (EDM) and laser cutting, employ unconventional methods like electrical discharges or laser beams to shape and remove material, offering precise solutions for intricate and challenging machining tasks beyond the capabilities of traditional methods.

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What is Non-Traditional Machining Process?

Non-traditional machining processes, often referred to as Modern machining methods, include a diverse range of techniques utilising electricity, heat energy, light energy, electrochemical processes, chemical reactions, sound energy, and specialised mechanical forces to alter materials through removal, deformation, property changes, or plating.

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Classification of Non-Traditional Machining Process

Non-traditional machining processes can be classified into categories such as electrical discharge machining (EDM), electrochemical machining (ECM), laser cutting, and abrasive water jet machining, each utilizing unique principles for material removal and shaping.

Non-traditional machining processes can be categorised into the following types:

Mechanical Machining

In mechanical machining, material removal is achieved through the action of a high-velocity stream of abrasives or fluid, allowing for the precise removal of excess material. Notable examples of single-action mechanical non-traditional machining processes include Ultrasonic Machining (USM) and Waterjet Machining (WJM). WJM utilises a fluid machining medium, while USM employs solid grains.

Electrical Machining

Non-traditional processes within electrical machining leverage electrical energy to remove material, operating in contrast to electroplating. Electrochemical machining, for instance, employs ion transfer within an electrolytic cell to dissolve the machining allowance electrochemically.

Thermal Machining

Thermal machining utilises thermal energy to shave or cut the workpiece. Typically, the thermal energy applied to a small section of the work surface is sufficient to cause the fusion or vaporisation of the material to be removed. The generation of thermal energy requires a complete conversion of electrical energy.

During machining, various secondary phenomena may occur, such as microcracking, the formation of heat-affected zones, striations, and more. Heat sources can vary, including plasma in EDM and PBM, photons in LBM, electrons in EBM, ions in IBM, and more.

Chemical Machining

Chemical machining selectively removes material from specific areas of a workpiece using chemicals that can attack certain components of the material. A mask is employed to protect other portions of the surface from the chemical action. These non-traditional processes are primarily classified based on the type of energy utilised for material removal, with their mechanical nature involving the erosion of work material through a high-velocity stream.