University of Washington

The Instructional Assessment System (IASystem™) has been developed over several decades of use at the University of Washington and other institutions. We continue to expand the capabilities of our system to assist faculty in instructional development, inform administrative decision-making, and help students select courses.

Online course evaluations were introduced in autumn 2013 using the new IASystem™ web-based application. Courses may now be evaluated either online or on paper according to the needs of faculty and departments. Online evaluations are provided free of charge; forms and processing for paper-based evaluations are billed to departments at UW Seattle, and to the campus for UW Bothell and Tacoma. User guides can be found at

Note that student response rates are often lower for online evaluations than for those conducted on paper, and this may have an impact on average ratings. Suggestions for improving online response rates are provided by Top 20 strategies to increase the online response rates.

Faculty Course Evaluation Requests

Optional Mid-Quarter Feedback Form

Optional End-Of-Term Remote Course Evaluation Form

IASystem™ Access

Details and Instructions can be found here: