Educators Welcome ‘Teaching Is a Profession’ Bills

Educators Welcome ‘Teaching Is a Profession’ Bills Featured Image

WEAC President Peggy Wirtz-Olsen is welcoming a package of bills circulating in the Legislature that will address massive staffing shortages in Wisconsin’s K-12 schools and restore some respect to the public education employees.

Our union collaborated with elected officials to bring forward some of the legislative solutions included in WEAC’s platform for solving the educator shortage.

“Teachers, support staff and parents continue to do everything we possibly can so students are successful, supported and safe,” Wirtz-Olsen said. “Ask any educator, in any school district. Our workload has dramatically increased – even before the pandemic and much worse now – as classes are combined, preparation time is eliminated and we are filling in for other grades and courses. Educators have brought forward our solutions to the educator shortage and this legislation shows that some lawmakers are listening.”

This legislative package supports maintaining our education workforce through treating our teachers as professionals once again. It includes establishing a minimum pay threshold to pay educators fairly. The package also creates mandated preparation periods, gives teachers a voice on school boards, lessens the burden of repaying student loans and more.

Some of the bills, part of the Wisconsin legislative Democrats’ Working for Wisconsin: Investing in Our Kids’ Education Initiative, have been introduced in previous legislative sessions.

The package in brief:

WEAC has been advocating at the state level for solutions to the staffing shortages developed by frontline educators, with campaigns to contact lawmakers and listening sessions as the workforce crisis mounts. A recent report showed that education degrees declined by nearly 13 percent in Wisconsin after the repeal of collective bargaining rights.

Here’s a look at the proposals and their new Legislative Reference Bureau (LRB) numbers: