Data Exchange with Other Applications
- Data Exchange with Text Files
- Data Exchange with Microsoft Excel
- Data Exchange with Databases
There are also tutorials and examples of the Application Programming Interfaces
- .NET Tutorial and Examples
- C++ Tutorial and Examples
- Java Tutorial and Examples
- Python Tutorial and Examples
GAMS Language and Environment
This part introduces the components of the GAMS language in an ordered way, interspersed with detailed examples that are often drawn from the model library.
- Introduction - an introduction to the GAMS User's Guide.
- GAMS Programs - The structure of the GAMS language and its components
- Set Definition - The declaration and initialization of sets, subsets, and domain checking.
- Dynamic Sets - The membership assignment, the usage of dollar controls, and set operations.
- Sets as Sequences: Ordered Sets - Special features used to deal with a set as if it were a sequence.
- Data Manipulations with Parameters - The declaration and assignment of GAMS parameters.
- Data Entry: Parameters, Scalars and Tables - Three basic forms of GAMS data types : Parameters, Scalars and Tables.
- Variables - The declaration and attributes of GAMS variables.
- Equations - The definition and declaration of GAMS equations.
- Model and Solve Statements Model - The specificiation of a GAMS model and how to solve it.
- Conditional Expressions, Assignments and Equations - The conditional assignments, expressions and equations in GAMS.
- The Display Statement - The syntax, control, and label order in display.
- Programming Flow Control Features - The GAMS programing flow control features : loop, if-elseif, while, and for statements.
- The Option Statement - The list and detailed description of options.
- System Attributes - The system attributes
- The Grid and Multi-Threading Solve Facility - The basic concepts and Grid Features.
- Special Features for Mathematical Programs - Special features in GAMS that do not translate across solvers, or are specific to certain model types.
The following discusses the execution of GAMS, the use of special features, and other miscellaneous topics.